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METALPOL is located in the city of Gómez Palacio, Durango. Gómez Palacio is centrally located in the northern part of México.

It is part of the metropolitan area known as "La Comarca Lagunera" ("The Lagoon Region") which is made up of 3 cities - Gómez Palacio and Lerdo in the state of Durango, and Torreón in the state of Coahuila.

The closest border city to METALPOL is Laredo, Texas (367 miles), which offers convenient access to the heartland of the US.

The estimated population for the metropolitan area of "La Comarca Lagunera" is 1,375,000.

Contact us

Calle Santiago Papasquiaro #158

Parque Industrial

Carlos A. Herrera Araluce

CP 35079, Gómez Palacio Dgo.

+52 (871) 2 29 17 00 | (871) 2 29 17 01

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