To ensure that materials and welds are reliable, our quality department has a certified welding inspector (CWI) certified by the American Welding Society (AWS) as well as Level II inspectors for Nondestructive Testing in Techniques of Ultrasonic Test (UT), Magnetic Test (MT) and Penetrant Test (PT) who are qualified according to ASNT (American Society Non Destructive) in SNT-TC1A recommended practice.
All of our welding procedures and welders are qualified and certified by CWI.
Dimentional Inspection
Weld Size Inspection
Magnetic Test
Ultrasonic Test
Penetrant Test
Penetrant Test
Penetrant Test
Mechanical Test
Mechanical Test
Zinc Layer Inspection
Test Paint Adherence
Epoxy Paint Layer Inspection
Quality Police
It is the Quality Policy of METALPOL that all the products and services supplied must comply with the requirements of the customers, guaranteeing their correct performance and functionality, adhering to the mechanical metal manufacturing standards.
All of us who working at METALPOL are committed to this Policy and to Continuous Improvement, following and streamlining the Quality Management System Processes, maintaining a relationship with customers and suppliers of loyalty and integrity.
General Manager
METALPOL is certified in ISO 9001:2015
METALPOL is certified in ISO 9001:2015
METALPOL is certified by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety
METALPOL is certified by LAPEM (Laboratory Testing Equipment and Materials)
Our logo is trademarked as METALPOL at the “Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial” (IMPI)