Custom Designed Poles

✓ High Quality Products

✓ Excellent Customer Service

✓ Competitive Prices

METALPOL offers custom designed poles for those occasions when a standard sized pole is not appropriate.

For custom (or customer) designed poles, you decide exactly: the length of the pole, the O.D. for the base and the tip of the pole, the taper of the pole, the number of sides of the pole, etc.

Many of our customers ask for custom designed poles and we are more than glad to make them, whether you just need one or hundreds.


Contact us

Calle Santiago Papasquiaro #158

Parque Industrial

Carlos A. Herrera Araluce

CP 35079, Gómez Palacio Dgo.

+52 (871) 2 29 17 00 | (871) 2 29 17 01

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